Collaborative learning.

  • Bloque temático: Docencia en otras lenguas y habilidades de comunicación
  • Asignatura TEMDU: Metodologías activas
  • 1 ECTS
  • 9 horas presenciales
  • 17 horas no presenciales

Objetivos del curso

• To enable participants to situate collaborative learning in the context of educational change.
• To provide participants with evidence that collaborative learning can enhance learning in a higher education context.
• To help participants reflect on the benefits and most common challenges associated with collaborative learning and to deal with solutions to these problems.
• To provide participants with a number of techniques and strategies for organising groups, structured collaborative activities and for facilitating group processes.
• To raise awareness of feedback and evaluation that can be used for collaborative work.
• To encouraging the sharing of practical ideas about collaborative activities used in participants’ specific fields and varied teaching contexts.
• To provide an opportunity for participants to experience a range of collaborative learning activities for themselves.
• To encourage participants to experiment with collaborative lea

Contenidos del curso

• Benefits and drawbacks of collaborative learning
• Principles of collaborative learning
• Practical techniques and strategies for structured collaborative learning activities
• Feedback and evaluation for collaborative learning
• Sharing collaborative learning experiences with peers
• Designing and implementing a collaborative learning task
• English language practice


10/05/2024 de 14:30 a 17:30 en Aula de Formación Docente-Entrada por el lateral derecho del edificio., Centro de Estudios de Posgrado.

17/05/2024 de 14:30 a 17:30 en Aula de Formación Docente-Entrada por el lateral derecho del edificio., Centro de Estudios de Posgrado.

24/05/2024 de 14:30 a 17:30 en Aula de Formación Docente-Entrada por el lateral derecho del edificio., Centro de Estudios de Posgrado.

Competencias que adquirirás

• Be able to understand the utility of collaborative learning in the context of educational change and learning theory.
• Be able to identify the main benefits and typical drawbacks of collaborative learning.
• Be able to evaluate and adapt a range of collaborative learning strategies and techniques that are appropriate for your teaching context.
• Be able to set up structured and purposeful group work and feel confident in providing feedback and evaluation.
• To be able to discuss collaborative learning and set up a collaborative task in English.


Matthew Banks Berry

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Metodología Docente

Collaborative, communicative, learner-centred, experiential.
Participants will learn by working with the course content in small groups.
A high degree of participation is required.


Attend the three workshop sessions and participate in the activities.
Demonstrate your understanding of collaborative learning principles by setting up a short collaborative sequence.
Demonstrate your understanding of collaborative learning techniques by incorporating practical collaborative learning techniques into a short teaching episode for which a rationale and a lesson plan sequence should be submitted to the workshop tutor.

Más información

- Barkley, Elisabeth F, Claire Howell Major and Patricia Cross (2nd ed) 2014. Collaborative learning techniques: a handbook for college faculty. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass & Pfeiffer.
- Freeman, Scott, Sarah L. Eddy , Miles McDonough , Michelle K. Smith , Nnadozie Okoroafor, Hannah Jordt, and Mary Pat Wenderoth. 2014. “Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 111, 23, 1-6.
- Fry, Heather, Steve Ketteridge, and Stephanie Marshall, S. 2015. A Handbook For Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Enhancing Academic Practice (4th Ed.). London: Routledge.
- Kirchner, A. Paul, John Sweller and Richard E. Clark. 2006. “Why Minimal Guidance During Instruction Does Not Work: An Analysis of the Failure of Constructivist, Discovery, Problem-Based, Experiential and Inquiry-Based Learning,” Educational Psychologist, 41 (2), 75-86.
- Johnson, David W,

The workshops will be undertaken in English.
In order to follow the material and fully participate in the workshop activities an English level of B2 - C1 (CEFR) is required.

La asistencia presencial de al menos un 80% del curso es un requisito imprescindible para la obtención del certificado del curso, independientemente del motivo que lo provoque, ya sea justificado o injustificado. El control de presencia será realizado por parte del equipo docente del curso.

La anulación anticipada de la participación en un curso no supone nunca una penalización para poder ser seleccionado en otro.

Powerpoint presentation and group work facilitation by workshop tutor.
A range of pair, small group and whole group tasks involving participants playing different roles so as to both model and provide an opportunity to experience a range of collaborative techniques and activities.
Discussion of value and utility of activities presented by tutor and peers for participants´ own teaching contexts.

Reading to consolidate and extend course input
Preparation for classroom activities. Design a short collaborative learning sequence to be demonstrated in class.
Design a short collaborative learning sequence to be submitted to the workshop tutor. Written reflections on teaching practice.