The Power of Feedback: Responding Effectively to Student Work

  • Bloque temático: Docencia en otras lenguas y habilidades de comunicación
  • Asignatura TEMDU: Desarrollo docente general e investigación
  • 0,5 ECTS
  • 6 horas presenciales
  • 7 horas no presenciales

Objetivos del curso

  • To understand the different aspects and implications of the concept, feedback, and the role it can potentially play in tertiary education classes, especially in an online or blended learning scenario.
  • To become acquainted with a variety of feedback strategies, depending on both its content and the form in which it is given.
  • To develop an effective “language of feedback” that will support learners’ improvement, both in live classes (on or offline) and as a response to homework.
  • To reflect on ways of obtaining student feedback on one’s own performance, and integrate it into subsequent course and lesson planning.

Contenidos del curso

  1. Introduction: Feedback as a learning scaffold.
  2. The task-feedback cycle.
  3. Providing effective feedback to student work:
    1. What: content and language
    2. How: orally or in writing, in-class or online, group or individual
    3. When: on the spot or delayed
    4. Using what: comments, rubrics, checklists, ICT, correction codes
  4. The language of feedback: praise and constructive criticism.
  5. Maximizing the value of peer feedback.
  6. Obtaining, and using, student feedback


27/09/2022 de 10:00 a 13:00 en Aula 201-2 Módulo 11, Facultad de Ciencias

04/10/2022 de 10:00 a 13:00 en Aula 201-2 Módulo 11, Facultad de Ciencias

Competencias que adquirirás

By the end of the course, participants should be able to:

  • Understand the rationale of providing abundant, effective feedback, especially in the context of classes taught in a foreign language.
  • Apply a variety of feedback techniques, depending on the tasks performed by students, and with a focus on blended/e-learning scenarios.
  • Use feedback language effectively, both orally and in writing.


Alfonso López Hernández

Universidad Pontificia de Comillas

Metodología Docente

This course is taught as a seminar in which participants are expected to take an active role in brainstorms, discussions and simulations. Participants will also be asked to relate all the concepts and techniques to their own teaching practice in a variety of ways.


  • Attendance and in-class tasks.
  • As a round up task, students will record (video or writing) an example of feedback to student work.

Más información

Participants may read several articles on formative assessment and feedback in the instructor´s blog.

Other references:

  • Fernández, D. CLIL at the University Level: Relating Language Teaching With and Through Content Teaching. Latin American Journal of Content & Language Integrated Learning, North America, 2, dec. 2009. Retrieved from
  • Hattie, J., & Timperley, H. (2007). The power of feedback. Review of Educational Research, 77, 81-112. doi:10.3102/003465430298487
  • Lasagabaster, David & Doiz, Aintzane. (2018). Language Errors in an English-Medium Instruction University Setting: How do Language versus Content Teachers Tackle them? Porta Linguarum. 30. 131-148.
  • López Hernández, A.: Thinking though a foreign languages: a case study of CLIL-inspired instruction in the social sciences in higher education I: CLIL and cognition, in Educación y Futuro Digital, vol 1.


The course will be taught in English. A minimum level of B2 CEFR is recommended.

  • Teacher presentation and clarification of concepts.
  • In-class tasks:
    • Analysis of teaching sequences on video
    • Simulations

  • Pre-seminar reading.
  • Recording (video or text) of a useful and realistic feedback sequence.